A safe way to get rid of ants in the country: this cereal is in every house

30.04.2022 11:15

Ants can cause considerable damage to the garden.

Not every summer resident wants to use dangerous chemicals on the site when getting rid of pests.

This can be dangerous for the owners of the site themselves, as well as for their pets. 

For this reason, it is better to choose the safest possible methods.

Few people know that there is one effective and eco-friendly way to get rid of insects. In this case, semolina helps perfectly. 

Foto: Pixabay

The fact is that this cereal swells inside the pests. As a result, the parasite dies. 

You can use grits even without additional ingredients.

However, if insects cause damage not in the garden, but at home, then their attention can be attracted by sweeteners, which are recommended to be mixed with semolina. 

For bait, you can add a little jam or sweet compote to the cereal.

Then you need to roll up small balls and put them in places where ants gather.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource